
Photo gallery


Place: Ascoli Satriano (Fg)

Hours: from 17:00 to 20:30

Description: The Polo Museum of Ascoli is famous for the sculpture of the Grifoni, but it is not the only excellence. In fact, a licensed tour guide of coop Artemus will tell you the meaning and characteristics of lesser-known but equally important artifacts, such as silver bracelets, Greek-flavored pottery, fine glass cups and gold necklaces.

At the end of the visit, inside the fifteenth-century cloister, you will expect a rich theme with food and wine in Km0, edited by A.P.S. Only Food, and a time machine, Yes, because you will be in front of warriors and citizens of ancient Daunia thanks to the association Ausculum in Apulia, a group of experts historical re-enactors, who will show you ancient finds

A bit of history:

Golds, jewels, precious marbles, are just some of the archaeological finds preserved at the Polo Museale of Ascoli Satriano that will leave you speechless.

Artifacts that tell of a cultured and rich civilization that used luxury to show its status, even after death, thanks to funeral supplies.

A unique opportunity to see Puglia 2000 years ago.

Amount: 28 € per person (Children 0-6 free; Children 7-14 amount 20 €)

Participants: min 20 max 30


17:00: welcome participants 17.30: guided tour of the museum complex 18.30: historical re-enactment 19:00: themed path with food and wine products at Km0

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City experience :

  • Ascoli Satriano

    Ascoli Satriano is a beautiful town nestled on three hills, Pompei, Castle and Snake and the valley ...

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