
Celenza Valfortore

Galleria Foto


The village has a precious geographical position: today on the border with Molise, it is at the crossroads of ancient paths and sheep tracks of transhumance. Originally founded on the nearby hill of Valva with the name of Celenna according to tradition by the Homeric Diomedes, it mentioned Virgil in the VII Book of the Aeneid. Subdued and razed to the ground by the Romans during the Samnite wars, it was refounded on the current hill as Celentia ad Valvam, a name it kept until the Byzantine period when it became Celentia in Capitanata.

From the Swabian period a long series of feudal lords followed, among them the Gambacorta distinguished themselves, who gave new decoration to the country, rebuilding it following the earthquake of 1456. In 1571 it assumed the name of Celenza di Valle Fortore and adopted the Goddess Ceres as emblem of the city.

Particularly interesting is the medieval village, preserved almost intact. It can still be accessed from 3 doors: Porta S. Nicola, Porta Nova and Portella and is dominated by the crenellated tower of the Palazzo Baronale dei Gambacorta. Walking through the streets of the village you will discover characteristic corners and open spaces, richly carved portals, fountains, views of ancient buildings, such as the churches of San Francesco, San Michele, Santa Croce, Santa Maria Ad Nives, the Chapel of Calvary, the Monasteries of San Nicola and Santa Maria delle Grazie

What to do

A wonderful corner of Puglia is waiting for you: let’s go to Celenza Valfortore!

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