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Accadia is a wonderful historical village nestled between valleys and green hills.

Alberona is perched on the slopes of Mount Stilo, but with its gaze turned to the Plain of Puglia.

Nestled in the Monti Dauni, it dominates the valley from its 760 meters of altitude, offering a panorama of enchantment.

Ascoli Satriano is a beautiful town nestled on three hills, Pompei, Castle and Snake and the valley of the river Carapelle.

At the foot of Monte Cornacchia, under the roof of Puglia lies the pretty village of Monti Dauni.

The ancient town of Bovino dominates the Southern Dauni Mountains and the Valle del Cervaro.

Candela is a charming town, located on the border with Basilicata and Campania, between the Ofanto River and the Carapelle Torrent, whose first settlements can be traced ...

The delightful village of Carlantino rises on the border with Molise, in a geographical position in full contact with nature, on a hill from which it enjoys the extraordi...

Tenaciously clinging to its alleys and steps at the foot of Mount Cornacchia, the ancient and picturesque village of Castelluccio Valmaggiore offers a splendid view of th...

Castelluccio dei Sauri seems to have very ancient origins testified by the numerous archaeological finds of pre-Roman age recovered in the surrounding territory.

Celle di San Vito (Cèlle de Sant Uite in French Provençal) is a fantastic terrace overlooking the unspoilt nature of the Dauni Mountains.

From any point you reach Deliceto to hit the visitor is the majestic bulk of its Norman-Swabian Castle.

The lovely village owes its name to the stretches of beech forests that cover its territory.

Lucera is a city of a thousand souls and offers an endless variety of opportunities to immerse yourself in beauty.

The village of Monteleone di Puglia stands out over Puglia: with its 850 meters a.s.l. it is the highest municipality in the Region.

The village of Panni is a real viewpoint over the Monti Dauni and the Cervaro valley.

It lies at the foot of Mount Sambuco Pietramontecorvino lies on gentle slopes, giving an enchanting view, awarded with the mention of the most beautiful villages in Italy...

"Rocchetta la poetica" is a treasure chest of beauty, as well as a border point between where Puglia ends and Basilicata and Campania begin.

San Marco La Catola rises on a mountain 683 meters high and occupies a geographically strategic position, overlooking the valley of the river Catola.

Sant'Agata di Puglia is a charming village, perched on the steep slope of a mountain, from which it offers a breathtaking view of Monti Dauni, Tavoliere, Gargano, Irpinia...

First Aika was a small settlement dedicated to hunting between the fourth and second centuries BC. Then it became Aece, located in the center of a dense road network (Egn...

The small village of Voltura Appula is located about 500 meters above sea level on a hill overlooking a rich forest landscape, on the border between Puglia, Molise and Ca...

Volturino is a charming village located in the northern area of the Dauni Mountains, on the border with Campania and Molise.

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