
Falò di San Sebastiano di Accadia

Religious celebrations
giovedì 01 gennaio 1970 (01:00)









Very heartfelt recurrence, twinned since 2008 with the Fracchie di San Marco in Lamis (linked to the Easter rites and among the rare examples of "mobile fires" in Europe), is one of the most engaging popular events of the Dauni Mountains.

The cult of Saint Sebastian, martyred by the will of the Emperor Diocletian and whose iconography is among the most powerful of the Christian tradition, is very much felt in the Borgo dei Monti Dauni and dates back to the time when the first Christian community settled in Accadia.

The evening at the end of a procession through the streets of the country and mass, in the Church of San Vito and Sant'Antonio, the Palio and the lighting of the bonfires. At about 19 the first gigantic bonfire, placed in front of the Clock Tower and the public fountain (entrance to the Rione Fossi) is lit. At about 20, the other gigantic bonfire in Viale Roma, near the City Hall, also caught fire.

Then in each district and hamlet, the bonfires are lit consisting of large wooden structures that are then judged by the committee that rewards the most impressive, the one that best represents traditional customs and customs.

Public participation is very popular, especially thanks to the warm hospitality of the Akkadians, able to give life to a very lively and engaging party that, between music, folk dances, typical dishes and local wines, lasts until late at night.

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  • Accadia

    Accadia is a wonderful historical village nestled between valleys and green hills.

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