

The oil, the fruit of a generous climate, but also the result of great work and dedication by those who, with love and respect, cultivates and cares for these authentic monuments of nature, from pruning to harvesting, from grinding to consumption. The cultivation of olive trees in Puglia has always been surrounded by ancestral respect and dedication. Every drop of oil for us Apulian encloses a world of knowledge and unique and inimitable flavors. Just here in Puglia, in Volturino, on the unspoilt hills of the Subappennino North Dauno, was born at the end of the 60’s the Antico Frantoio De Ritis, by the will of Antonio De Ritis, a small businessman in the area, a lover of good extra virgin olive oil, and his son Michele who followed him with passion and dedication over the years, renewing the premises in the '90s and the plants in 2006. Today, forty years after the start of the business, after having expanded the premises and having added to the "traditional" line a continuous "cold" line, it is the third generation to carry on the business, by the hand of Antonio De Ritis (pictured), always with the same intentions and with the desire to make known the precious Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which produces with the same passion handed down from generations.

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