

The Antico Frantoio Ingegno was founded in 1960 by his grandfather Bartolomeo who began to carry out the activity of "frantoiano" in its own right, with innate passion that will then pass on to his son Mattia and grandchildren. The passing of the years and the wise working methods handed down from father to son, build the secret of the success of the excellent products of the "Ingegno Line". The extra virgin olive oil is the result of a meticulous and accurate selection of healthy olives, harvested by hand, at the right point of ripeness, stored in perforated crates and milled within 24 hours to avoid any risk of fermentation and oxidation that would penalize the characteristics of the oil. Today the brothers Ingegno, Patrizia and Bartolomeo, in the third generation, continue to dedicate themselves with the same care and devotion to the old family business.

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