

The Tarallificio del Pozzo is, so to speak, a food laboratory located at the bottom of a two-storey building located just before the exit from the village on the road that leads to the neighboring countries of Avellino. It is a small but modern laboratory, equipped with the most up-to-date machinery for boiling and washing but whose products are all rigorously prepared by the skilled hands of two young local women. The owner of the Tarallificio del Pozzo tells us that it does not come from a family tradition in the bakery sector although, Given the large number of her family she came from, she led all the members to collaborate in domestic affairs and therefore an embryonic learning phase she supported in her childhood and adolescence.

The products are all typical of the rocchettana tradition and are obtained using 80% durum wheat flour and 20% soft wheat flour and then extra virgin olive oil, local white wine, wild fennel seeds, salt. The production of the heaters with fennel is obtained from a traditional local recipe used in the past by the family of the owner, as well as that of the classic tarallini rocchettani, thin and mixed with white wine, Extra virgin olive oil strictly respectful of local tradition. To these products for some time has been added the production of excellent biscuits mixed with chopped almonds that will soon be placed on the local market and not. The owner has experimented with a type of taralli obtained with the use of beer, replaced with wine, produced in the nearby town of Monteverde, in the province of Avellino, by a local brewer master, which have so far achieved good results.

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