
Castello di Deliceto

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The original core of the fortified fortress is of Longobard origin, it was built on the castle in the first period of Norman domination at the beginning of the eleventh century. The fortress has undergone several transformations and extensions over time. The most substantial interventions occurred during the thirteenth century at the behest of Charles I of Anjou, who had it rearranged following damage suffered due to a Saracen raid. The Angevin renovation profoundly modified the original structure of the castle: the triangular plant became trapezoidal, through the addition to the south-east, on the side of the keep, of a large building body; the imposing circular towers were built.

In this phase the original entrance placed to the west and overlooking Via Piccolomini was moved to the south and equipped with a drawbridge that lowered into contact with Via Castello. The newly built rooms were used as a residence of the lord and his family, but the building never lost the appearance of a fortress. The keep, known as Torrione, is the most imposing part of the building, as well as the oldest one, attributed to Tristaino: it is a square tower 30 meters high.he circular towers, called Molo and Parasinno, are joined by a walkway still practicable today and in the underground prisons was placed a terrible instrument of torture and death called a razor mill. At the center of the only large courtyard, paved with bricks arranged in herringbone and with irregular pebbles, is the beautiful cistern for rainwater of octogonal base.

The Castle offers wonderful views of the historic center of Deliceto and the Valley in Vincoli.

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