
Chiesa Madre del SS. Salvatore di Deliceto

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The oldest church in Deliceto dates back to the 7th century and was built, probably in Proto-Romanesque style, in honour of the Most Holy Saviour, to be restored several times over the centuries; but the current building dates back to 1744 and is characterized by a majestic baroque style with neoclassical incursions and the external use of living stone. The main facade, with two orders, is characterized by the dynamism created by the overhang of the central part, connected to the lateral wings by convex curved elements. On it dominates a stone portal embellished with pilasters and pediments, raised above the road level, thanks to a staircase with two symmetrical flights. In a withdrawn position, beyond the transept, the bell tower rises in Romanesque style. The building has a basilica plan with a Latin cross with three naves divided by arched pillars round; the intersection of naves and transept is connected by a dome, beyond which stands the apse, which houses a beautiful wooden choir.

The interior is expertly decorated with stucco and illuminated by stained glass windows; the side chapels contain several works dating back to the seventeenth century, such as the canvases of Our Lady of Mount Carmel with the souls of Purgatory and Pentecost, the statues of Jesus dead, of Our Lady of Sorrows and Saint Rita. In the left arm of the transept are the canvas of the Martyrdom of Saint Matthias the Apostle and the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; in the right one the statue of the Madonna dell'Olmitello. Finally of clear historical and artistic interest are the secondary door that opens on the right facade and the reliquary cross donated by Pope Pius II.

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