
Forno a paglia di Roseto Valfortore

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The dating of the kiln is uncertain, but given its characteristics and those of the building that houses it, it can be assumed that it dates back to the sixteenth century. It is one of the three examples of Arabic cooking techniques found in the Monti Dauni (the other straw kilns are found in Orsara di Puglia, Candela and Sant'Agata di Puglia). The oven works with an indirect feed: the straw burns in a space below the flint and then separately from the environment used for cooking the loaves, which has a bell shape. The baking of bread in this type of oven lasts about two hours and the result is a product with a particularly crisp crust. The oven produces bread, taralli, focaccia and pizzas, prepared according to the Roseto tradition and is an unmissable stop for lovers of food and wine traditions.

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