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The Rosetano landscape is dotted with beautiful and ancient water mills, which stood right next to the different springs and numerous streams; the oldest dates back to 1338, many others have remained in operation until the last century.

Not far from the village, going down towards the valley of Fortore, there are two nineteenth-century and that were in operation until the fifties of the last century: the "upstream" has been recovered by the City and is becoming a monument to industrial archaeology and houses the Museum of Ancient Art.

The beautiful building is surrounded by greenery and is characterized by the presence of a dovecote tower, next to which a lower body housed the real mill, whose millstones were driven by the waters of the stream that flows under the same building. The same stream, just downstream, served a second mill ("downstream") before flowing into the river Fortore.

The millstones of the mill were driven through a master shaft, by the so-called "ritrecine", or horizontal wheels in turn moved by the force of water. Inside the upstream mill, in addition to millstones and tools for the sorting of cereals and flour, there are furnishings and objects of craftsmanship and peasant tradition of the nineteenth century.

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