
Parco Avventura Daunia Avventura di Biccari

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The Park features acrobatic routes for children and adults, tree huts, green trails and a panoramic platform for the disabled.

Among the acrobatic paths dedicated to the smallest (from 105 to 130 cm high) a series of passages between the trees placed at a height of 50 cm, without aerial passages, but also paths with passages from and to 4 meters high. For adults (above 140 cm in height) the acrobatic routes suspended between the trees are at varying heights between 4 and 12 meters above the ground, with the presence of Tibetan bridges, cable cars and climbing simulations.

Inside the Park there is also an area dedicated to the exercise of archery and a nature trail equipped with educational tables and rest stops accessible to users with disabilities, in addition to picnic areas. Among the various activities that you can do we point out orienteering, mountain biking and trekking. In addition, the Park is equipped with houses suspended on trees for overnight stay.

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