
Terravecchia di Pietramontecorvino

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Narrow alleys and steep stairs characterize the historic center of Pietramontecorvino, called in dialect to Preta, or rock. And it is right on a tufaceous ridge that rises the oldest nucleus of the village.

The first to occupy the natural caves of Terravecchia were the refugees of the destroyed Montecorvino in the twelfth century. Starting from those primitive houses were built the houses of the village, which still present in their underground environments, now used as cellars. On top of the medieval urban fabric stand the Ducal Palace with the Norman Tower and the Mother Church dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta. At the bottom the Rione Terravecchia takes the form of an open fan, whose base consists of the Palazzo Ducale Complex, and which is limited by the houses suspended on the Guado degli Uncini, the valley of the Triolo stream.

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