

Traditional flavors


In the Dauni Mountains, whether sweet or savory, they are called taralli, but if you want to call them warmers, the bakers will understand you.

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Grano dei morti

I Cicc-Ccutt or Muscitaglia (wheat of the dead) is a sweet preparation typical of autumn

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Musciska di Bovino

It is a legacy of the transhumance of the shepherds Abbruzzesi, this sausage that you can taste in that of Bovino.

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Among the most appreciated cured meats of the Monti Dauni there is certainly the capocollo.

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Mela Limoncella

Production of niche of the territory, the limoncella apple is grown in the territories around Anzano, Panni and Monteleone di Puglia.

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A detailed and constantly updated guide, which you can use in different ways:

- discover the points of interest and places to visit near you, if you are in the Monti Dauni;

- know the best places to stay and the activities you can do, if you are planning your next vacation.

DOWNLOAD now the most complete application to visit the Dauni Mountains and start discovering the wonders of this area!

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