In the Terravecchia district, supported by the thirteenth-century Palazzo Ducale and dominated by the high Norman Tower, stands the Mother Church dedicated to Santa Maria...
Among the alleys of Sant'Agata have recently appeared suggestive photographic gigantografias.
To the east of the village Lucerino stands the most important testimony of the Roman Empire in the land of Puglia.
The Antica Taverna del Ponte was a Post Office Station and owes its name to the proximity to a Roman Bridge over the river Cervaro, collapsed and rebuilt in the Bourbon e...
In Ponte di Bovino, along the SS 110, there is the Ancient Moleno: an extraordinary monument of industrial archaeology.
The archaeological finds kept in the Antiquarium bear witness to the history of Alberona from prehistoric to medieval times.
In Piazza Bartolomeo III di Capua, between the Church of San Filippo Neri and the Palazzo Marchesale, stands the imposing arch that was the main access to the medieval ci...
At the end of Corso Umberto I stand this ancient and beautiful access to the medieval city, known as the Arco dell'Orologio.
Monte San Giovanni is an archaeological area of particular importance, having returned artifacts from various eras.
Near Carlantino, in Santo Venditto was brought to light an important and valuable archaeological area.
Ascoli hosts numerous buildings of historical and religious interest. Among these, the importance and beauty of the Church dedicated to Mary SS. of the Nativity.
Unique and precious example of Angevin architecture in southern Italy.