The important and historic Lucerne Library, dedicated to Ruggero Bonghi, a Neapolitan intellectual and exponent of the historical right of Lucerne origins, is housed in ...
The most striking visual element of the ancient village of Motta Montecorvino is the Bell Tower of the Church dedicated to San Giovanni Battista.
To remind us of the Roman history of Bovino there are these underground environments, known as "Cantine Cerrato" which were the ancient cisterns of the Roman city.
The eastern entrance to the village is marked by the presence of this graceful Chapel.
The Chapel dedicated to the Madonna di Loreto of the Contrada Scarano is small and graceful.
The Chapel of SS. Annunziata, located at the foot of Monte S. Giovanni, has ancient origins, but is uncertain.
Near the Convent of Maria SS della Consolazione is this votive rock chapel.
Next to the Church of the SS Salvatore and adjacent to it stands the Chapel in honor of Saint Gerdo Maiella.
Inside the Imperial Castle there is this small votive chapel dedicated to Saint Agatha.
Annexed to the cathedral, with access from the right side of the transept, is the so-called San Marco Chapel, in whose eighteenth-century altar are preserved the relics o...
In the highest part of the village, after the castle D'Aquino, you will come across the remains of what was once Casa Mattia.
You cannot say you know Roseto Valfortore, if you have not visited the tiny house of Concetta "I do not trust".